The Quality And The Riff Raff

Society champions mediocrity.

Thus, it caters to the Riff Raff.


There are humans who are Quality Humans.

And there are humans who are Riff Raff Humans.


The Masses . . . are the Riff Raff.


A human may be born with exceptional and unique talents.

Another human may be born with less talent.

But it is not exceptional talent that makes one Quality.

And it is not less talent that makes one Riff Raff.


Every human, by virtue of him being a human, contains Quality within him.

For every human is borne of the hand of Divinity and Creation.


However, what he Becomes during his lifetime

Is what makes him a Quality human

Or Riff Raff.


In many ways, whether he realizes it or not, the Quality human has shown respect to the Hand that created him. By not wasting the precious Human birth he was gifted.

While the Riff Raff human, whether he realizes it or not, insults the Hand that created him. In wasting his life by living solely according to his most base insect and animal urges.


All humans are Not created equal.

Some are born with more exceptionalism than others.

But all humans Are created equal

With respect to the Divinity that resides within them.


A human may live his life in Honor of this divinity.

Or he may live his life in Insult of this divinity.


A quality human seeks to make something of himself. Not necessarily in the worldly and material realm, but also in the Interiority realm. Buddha, though he may have been born a Prince, became penniless and walked barefoot across the land.

Yet there is little greater example of a Quality human than he.


The Riff Raff human:

Has endless excuses.

Is prone to begging for handouts and “free stuff”

Has little motivation

Weeps endlessly about not having enough, yet does nothing substantial to change his situation

Expects others to do his work for him

Cries foul at the “wealthy” and the “privileged”

Feels he is cursed by ill fortune . . .


The Quality human:

Is willing and driven.

Seeks to learn.

Has a desire to Know.

Can detect quality and intelligence when he hears it.

Deeply considers, and contemplates, and does what is necessary.

Makes few to no excuses.

If he does not have the money, he makes it or finds a way.

If he has hardships, though he may struggle, he commits himself to overcoming it.


Every man has failures.

Every man has setbacks.

Every man has pain, sorrow, strife, and difficulties in this life.


The Quality man is . . . Amenable.

He is amenable to Possibilities.

He is amenable to ideas that are beyond his sphere of knowledge.


Quality humans do exist.

But they are fairly Rare.

The overwhelming majority of earth’s population consists of the masses and the Riff Raff.

These are what society caters to, because these are what society created.


As a result, all books, media, talks, podcasts, speeches, cater to the Riff Raff.

It is for this reason that lies are freely told.

It is for this reason that all of the garbage that Does Not Work is spread across all online media outlets, and bookstores, and conferences, and “mastermind” meetings.

The Riff Raff are receptacles for garbage.

And rightly so. Garbage dumpsters do not mind having garbage dumped into them.


Humans never get anywhere.

What percentage of the world’s population is successful. Materialistically, OR Internally.

What percentage of the world’s population is financially free.

What percentage of the world’s population Does Not live in one form of desperation or another.


Why is this so?

Is it because they are “cursed?”

Is it because “God chose” the others?


It is because they, by way of intent or conditioning, decided to go the way of the Riff Raff.

It is because they, by way of intent or conditioning, decided to go the way of the Masses.

When they could have gone the way of Quality.

