Influencers And Intellectuals

Where there is a genuine desire to do something, there is.

No wrong.

No right.


If an intellectual and influencers has a deep and unwavering desire to “help,” so be it.

If he wishes to list his “book recommendations,” so be it.

If he wishes to host a podcast in which he interviews other intellectuals, experts, and influencers, so be it.

Whatever is deep in a man’s heart, is deep in a man’s heart.


The above needs to be stated.

For it is Truth.


Having stated these things, it can also be stated that the majority percentage of everything in The World is . . . Impure.





No one can point a finger to a particular man and state the degree to which he is being genuine.

No one can point a finger to an intellectual and an influencer and state the degree to which his actions are egoic and impure.


But a man, if he is made of a particular DNA, is able to point the finger at Himself.

IF . . . he so wishes.


There is no requirement to do so.

He is not a “bad” person if he does not.


Every man knows in his heart, the degree to which his actions are motivated by Ego,


Or Genuineness.


Whatever he chooses to do,

Whether it is pure or impure,

Honest or deceitful,

Innocent or clever . . .

Is entirely up to him.


Morality officers are idiots.

What sort of “morality”is a morality that one is forced into.


Humans have their pleasure-chases.

They are free to chase pleasure, when, where, and as often as they like.


Humans live empty lives.

Thus, they attempt to fill the emptiness with pleasure.


The intellectual and the influencer enjoys applause.

He enjoys his robust followership.

He likes to be “tagged” and “liked” and “praised.”


He enjoys the authority of being able to recommend “books”

And “hacks”

And “practices.”


He is desperate . . .

Absolutely desperate . . .

For The World to know

How “intelligent” he is.


Without this,

His life

Has no meaning.


But after he has spewed his intellectualisms on a given day . . .

After he has delineated his morning routines . . .

After he has recommended his “weekly reading,” . . .

After he has finished his podcast, either as host or guest . . .


He returns to his emptiness.

The high of the stage wears off.

The applause comes to an end.


And he is left

Once again

With himself.


This becomes unbearable to him.

So he must re-engage with The World

In order to gain another dose of authority.

Of good feeling.

Of applause.

Of “liking” and “receiving positive comments.”

Of receiving “praise.”


Following which,

He returns once again to himself.

Back to the emptiness.


Truth does not lie

In an endless chase

To shield one from the emptiness.


It lies in the permanent fulfillment of it,

Once and for all.


It lies in the absence of need

For another dose of pleasure.


The automobile enthusiasts’s fix is antique cars.

The art collector’s fix is expensive art.

The intellectual’s fix is the spouting of his intellectual knowledge.

The influencer’s fix is the validation of the people of The World.


All humans

Return to emptiness.

To hollowness.

To shallowness.

To discontent.


Truth lies

In a systematic,



And Devoted pursuit

Of that which puts an end

To a life of discontent.


