No One Wants Truth

There may be a handful

In the entire world.


But not more than that.


No one wants Truth.


It is understandable.

For man is a creature who seeks very little.


What he wants

Is to be told nice stories

And taste sweet things

And watch plays on a stage.



Is none of these things.


For the rare one who wants Truth,

He or she is driven by something inside.


There is an undeniable benefit

That this rare one detects

In coming to Truth.


A benefit that overshadows

All the pleasures in the world.


The entire world of humans

Has been duped by society.


If they are told

That they are being lied-to,

They will not believe it.


If they are told

That prescriptions, hacks, and how-to’s will get them nowhere.

They will ask for prescriptions, hacks, and how-to’s

To stop following prescriptions, hacks, and how-to’s.


It is one thing

To be conditioned.


It is another thing entirely

To see that this conditioning

Has robbed one of all possibility

In this lifetime.


It is one thing to fall down.

It is another thing entirely

To fall down in such a way

That getting back up

Becomes a literal impossibility.


Humans will admit

That they are conditioned,

And follow lies,

And waste their lives following this prescription and that.


But they will admit it with a half-smile.

It is a half-hearted, aww shucks, “okay-you-got-me” sort of admission.


What they do not realize

Is that they have just been given a diagnosis of Stage 4 pancreatic cancer

With metastases to the bone and brain.


Would they aww shucks that?


They would not.

The smile would be wiped from their face.

They would drop to their knees in sorrow.

They would begin calling their relatives.

They would tearfully get their affairs in order.

They would pray for a miracle.


But living a life of lies,

Following useless and empty prescriptions for decades,

Believing concepts that have nothing to do with reality,

And never coming to Truth . . .

Is an aww shucks to them.


If one gets stage 4 pancreatic cancer,

He still has months and days to live.

And if a man lives but a single day in Truth,

He can experience Freedom.

Such a life is not a wasted life.


But one who is conditioned by lies and prescriptions

Could have 73 more years to live

And it is a complete waste.


A death sentence

Is not really a death sentence

If one finds Freedom and Truth.


A life sentence

Is a death sentence

For one who does not.


