No One Benefits From A Buddha

A Buddha supposedly exists to benefit all beings.


Like all things in the world, all advertising is false advertising.

Like all things in the world, things are not what they seem.


A man unknown to the world

Has a desire develop in his heart.


The desire is so deep

It cannot be suppressed.


From where it arises

No one knows.


Why it arises

No one knows.


But arise it does.

And its weight

Is profound.


This man sets off

To fulfill this desire.


Through a wild and varied journey

He fulfills his desire.


The Buddha

Reaches enlightenment.


He then is told by Brahma

That he should “teach others.”


This is nonsensical advice.

For the man who believes

That others can be taught

What the Buddha has learned

Does not realize the nature of man.


Buddha sets off into the world.

Teaching and preaching.


Right speech.

Right action.




I am awakened.

You are asleep.





Lotus flower.

Smoke and mirrors.


Those whom he teaches

Become his disciples.


They follow him.

They wash his feet.

They offer him this and that.

They do chores

And austerities.




Because he is

The Buddha.


He is the teacher.

The celebrity.

The thought leader.

The influencer.


They attempt to memorize his teachings.

They become “certified”

As “Buddhists.”


Their plaque will arrive by mail

In 6-8 weeks.

(It may take a little longer

During the holiday season.)


They erect temples

For their new-found faith.


They have been dying

To create an organization.


A place where they can chat

With other Buddhists.


And “meditate together.”


Then scholars are born.

To decode the words of the Buddha.


Various “canons” are written.

Anthologies are published.

Societies are created

All around the world.


Humans never waste an opportunity

To socialize.


Temples have been created.

So monks are needed

To fill them.


Monks arrive by the hundreds.

Ready to be “ordained.”


They get to join

A new club.


They get to be part

Of a new organization.


They are given a membership packet

When they arrive.


Their duties are given to them.

And books are to be recited.


All around the world,

The monks are sweeping,

And cooking,

And reciting,

And chanting,

And meditating,

And incens-ing.


The Buddha said this.

The Buddha said that.


Hail the great celebrity.

Hail the chosen one.


Yet . . .

The Buddha attempted to be a disciple of the ascetics.

And he left.

Because discipleship destroyed him.


The Buddha read no one’s writings.

The Buddha did no sweeping.

The Buddha did no chanting.

The Buddha joined no organization.

The Buddha followed no teachings.


The Buddha did nothing

That the Buddhists do.


The Buddha did not benefit

“All sentient beings.”


He benefited



Teaching and preaching prescriptions,


And concepts

Does nothing

For anyone.




Became a Buddha.


The rest

Became “buddhists.”


