Terrible Truth

The fact is,

The vast majority

Will find Truth

To be Terrible.








Is not something

That I recommend

For anyone.


It does not pull punches.

It does not punch for no reason.

It does not attempt to soothe.

It does not attempt to incite.


For one who is not Ready,

Which is almost every living human,

Truth will likely bring him more pain

Than peace.


Humans live in a world

In which they are constantly being soothed.


Lulled by fantastical stories

With a melodious tune in the background.


Pretty postcards

From pretty places.


Lovely sayings

From smiling saints.



Wallpapered in bumper stickers.


There is nothing wrong

With any of this.


Yet the pain is all the more

When life brings things

That the bumper stickers conveniently omit.



Has its own messages.


And no sane person

Would dare paste them on a bumper sticker.


Unless perhaps the automobile

Is a hearse.


Do people “deserve” The Truth?


People “deserve”

Whatever life and the universe deems so.


The attempt to “help” humanity

Is an unserious game.


For life carries a harshness

That no amount of “help”

Can overcome.



Is not a comfortable place.


Except for the one

Who longs for it above all things.


Truth states

What no man

Can bring himself to admit

Even inside his head,

Behind closed doors

In a dark room

In Siberia.


One drop of Truth

Can dissolve

The entire world.


Truth is not

For the meek.


Nor is it

For the courageous.


It does not care

About any human.


And because it does not

One must come prepared.


Prepared not to fight.

But to face its Uncompromise.


Most will deem the Truth

Too terrible to bear.


They are not incorrect.


It can uproot a man’s life

With a mere sentence or phrase.


And it can transform him

With a glance.


It can bring him into the depths of despair.

Or the heights of an unimagined Freedom.


Humans are not accustomed

To enter a domain

That has no use for them.


Humans are not prepared

To enter a domain

That seeks not their agreement or approval.



Is for the rarest Human.


