This Discourse Is Not For You

The human is a fair-weather creature.

He covets flowery messages

Regardless of their falseness.


He is not to be blamed.

All creatures enjoy pleasant things.



Is not a requirement.


Each human has the right

To live life as he or she sees fit.


The human wishes to hear

That if he gives every effort

He will succeed.


But if his effort

Is built upon false notions,

Will he still succeed?


What of the millions upon millions

Who have been trying and trying for their entire lives

Without having succeeded?


The human is not interested in Truth.

He is only interested in opinions, beliefs, concepts, and principles.


He would sooner fail

Than violate beliefs and principles.


The human is not interested

In succeeding.


The human is not interested

In getting anywhere.


He is only interested

In fitting in

And gaining a feeling of “pleasure.”


It is for this reason

That bumper stickers are ubiquitous.


It is for this reason

That those who spout cliches and pleasant messages

Are forever in high demand.


Work and you will succeed.

Meditation will bring you enlightenment.

Mindfulness will bring you peace.

Try harder, try harder, one day it will come.


The human adores these messages.

For they are in keeping with his world view.

They are congruent with his philosophy.


It is for this reason

That Truth is of little interest to humans.


It is not flowery.

It does not fit on the narrow bumper of automobiles.

It does not subscribe to human beliefs and concepts.

It has no use for humans at all.


What does the human wish to hear?


That if he meditates he will gain some spiritual ascendancy.

That if he performs austerities he will gain the favor of the gods.

That if he does well in school he will become successful.

That if he follows the habits of successful people then he will become prosperous.

That if he eats healthy he will live a long life.


How can a man

With so many beliefs

Possibly be a candidate for Truth.


There is little point in stating

That all such beliefs are false.


For if one were Ready for this Truth

He would have had the self-motivated interest

To examine the evidence for himself.

In order verify or refute

The long list of concepts and principles that society has given him.


The guru sits upon his throne

Spouting spiritual aphorisms.

Do this and you will gain that.

Do that and you will gain this . . .


The minions in the audience

Nod their heads and applaud.


Why is this so.


Because they have come for Entertainment.

And the guru has come to give it.


If but One of them had not come for entertainment,

He might rise from his half-lotus posture,

And state,

“Dear guru, I shall do Exactly as you say. I will practice with diligence
the prescriptions you give, and austerities you instruct. This is my sincere
promise to you. However, if your prescriptions and austerities do not bear
the fruit you have promised, will you as a man of honor step down from the throne
and declare yourself either a spiritual entertainment or a fraud?”


Such things do not happen.

For how can someone call the guru a fraud,

If he himself is a fraud.


The demand

Creates the supply.


Bumper stickers are in demand.

Flowery messages are in demand.

Yoga postures are in demand.

Meditation and mindfulness is in demand.

Hard work, try, sweat, toil, is in demand.

Mimic habits of the successful is in demand.

Make friends and have a social circle is in demand.


The Truth is,

Lies have always been in demand.


Man has never been interested in efficacy.

But he has forever craved pleasantry.


This is the way of the world.

And this discourse

Is not for you.

