Serious Or Die

What does it mean to be Serious?

It means to be devoted.

It means putting an end to the clever games.

It means to rid oneself of all forms of disingenuousness.


Is it good to be serious?

Not at all.


It is not good to be anything.

Goodness is a meaningless concept.


If one becomes Serious because he thinks it is moral, right, or good

His seriousness will be brittle, and will crack under the slightest weight.


Human beings are taught “to do.”

“Doing” is all they have ever known.

“Doing” is the only language that society and the world at large speaks.


On account of this,

One can peer out his window

And see humans lost in an endless and complex array of doings, as far as the eye can see.


The human that you see in front of you

And the one that you see in the mirror

Is not a real human.


He is a human-like thing.

He lives in a laboratory.

His life is guided by scientists and test tubes.


He spends his life following various forms of dogma.

He spends his life trying to eat more of This, and less of That.

He walks 1.3 miles per day, at a specific heart rate monitored by electronic gadgetry.

His every orifice is plugged with a device that plays various forms of sound.

He attends lectures and conferences so as to glean instruction as to how to do this and that.


Yoga class at 7.

Walk with friends at 8.

Latte, easy on the sugar.

Hair parted to a particular side.

Mediterranean diets.

Twenty minutes of meditation.

Mindfulness workshops.

Balancing chakras.

Therapy to improve one’s marriage.

Family meetings to get along better.

The Truth is, none of these things actually work.

Because they cannot.


There is not a remote-controlled robot anywhere in existence

That is as robotic as a human being.

The remotes that control the human

Are far more varied and complex than that which controls the robot.


Living in the science laboratory,

This human-like thing lives forever in the purgatory between Being Instructed, on the one hand

And stricken by guilt for having failed the instruction, on the other.


Why does he do all of these things?

Why has he surrendered his existence?

Why has he traded Nature for the laboratory?


Because he is not Serious.


It is imperative to realize

That Seriousness is not a must.

It is not proper, or correct, or good, or healthy, or recommended

To be Serious.


Whatever one’s heart is taken by . . .

It is.

Whatever one’s heart is not taken by . . .

It is not.


One is not good.

And the other not bad.


Anything that is entered into on a false pretense (such as healthiness or goodness)

Crumbles that very day.


The human-like thing

Is, at its fundament, an Unserious Human.


This is not a sleight

Or an insult.


Stating that it is not a sleight or an insult

Is not a way to be nice, or diplomatic.


Things in this small corner of the universe

Are stated as they are.

Without the filters and prisms of societal influence.


If one is Serious:

About attaining God

Arriving at Success

Becoming a Legend

Conquering their Mind

Living in perfect Harmony

Whatever it may be . . .


Then he is Serious.


If he is not,

Then he is not.


There is no reason to be prideful of being Serious.

And no reason to be ashamed for being Unserious.


It is just that . . .

The one who has the DNA to be Serious

May never be given the information or the opportunity to realize

That it is Unseriousness that keeps him following prescriptions,

Living in a laboratory,

And having become a human-like thing.


It is giving this rare human the information and the opportunity to realize

That his lack of arrival in whatever it is that he seeks

Is Not because he has not yet come upon the “right prescription.”

But because his unseriousness has led him down the road of prescriptions, instructions, methods, techniques, how-to’s.


In frank Truth, there are but a handful of humans on the planet

That have the DNA of Seriousness.

The rest die in ignorance and pain.

Never having so much as sniffed their natural potentials.


This is the way it has always been.

It is the way it always will be.

For the societal conditioning is too powerful to overcome.

The decades upon decades of brainwashing has led them to a point of no return.


Put simply,

It is too late for the 99.999 percent.


If one examines the books on the best-seller lists

The podcasts

The radio shows

The television shows

The conferences

The mastermind meetings

The social media messages

One can clearly see who they are tailored for.

It has become so much a part of the fabric, that it is not even noticed.


All messages

In all media outlets, books, and so on . . .

Are tailored for the masses.




Because the masses are, more or less, the only ones in existence.


All messages

In all media outlets, books, and so on . . .

Are tailored for the human-like things.




Because human-like things are, more or less, the only things in existence.


Look more closely

And one will find

That the very messages that are created

Are created BY the human-like things themselves!


Test-tube creations

Speaking to test-tube creations.

This is what the world is, at its very fundament.


Become healthy.

Eat less dairy.

Be kind and compassionate.

Pray to god.

Be humble.

Work hard.

Save for retirement.

Get 1% better each day.

Change yourself.

Be courageous.

Be vulnerable.

Change your habits.

Work on your anger.

Attend a stress workshop.

Get an education.

Study hard.

Get a good job.

Walk 1.2 miles per day at 2.7 mph and get your target heart rate at 50-70% of max.

Paleo diet, keto diet, mediterranean diet.

Improve yourself.

Do this for your skin, that for your heart, this for your brain, that for your liver.

Botox, detox, catatox.


These are precisely the sort of messages that are generated in a laboratory.

These are precisely the sort of messages that would resonate only to a human-like thing.


Not only is modern food grown in laboratories.

But modern humans are as well.


The Truth is this,

In simple and non-judgmental terms.

Understand that non-judgemental is not a way of being nice.

It is not a way of avoiding judgment.

For judgement is neither good or bad.

It is simply Untrue.

And untruth has no place in the domain of Truth.


The Truth is this,

In simple and non-judgmental terms:

A human says that he wants to Arrive at X.


The only question that needs to be asked at this point is this:

Are you Serious

Or are you Unserious.


If the human lies,

His unserious will reveal itself within seconds.


If he is Serious,

The Truth can be given to him.


If he is Unserious,

Only prescriptions can be given to him.


It is as simple as that.


For at any given moment,

The Truth is available.


At any given moment,

Prescriptions, and laboratory-generated messages are also available.


If the human is Unserious,

His ears and his heart are incapable of imbibing the Truth.

His inner soil is fit only for the growth of prescriptions.


This is not good.

This is not bad.


It can, however, be said

That if a man in Unserious about arriving at any of his natural potentials

He is a human-like thing.


As a human-like thing

He is already dead.


Thus, it can be plainly stated

That either a man is Serious

Or he is Dead.

