A Discourse About Nothing

A person posts a selfie, or a twitter photo in which he is smiling.

What is he smiling about?

Why does he appear excited?

He seeks to give a message to the world that he is happy, or that he has something valuable to sell, or that he can “help you.”


The excitement about being excitement.

The anticipation of being happy.

Falling for the trap of happy moments.

Without the slightest recognition that it is a prelude to a fall.


What is there to be happy about?

Why should one be grateful?

Grateful about what?

Has a human really been “given” anything?

Are all things not a natural effect of a cause?


A man looks in the mirror and he is convinced that the person staring back at him is truly “himself.”

He believes that tomorrow will be different from today.

He genuinely hopes that a day will come after which all his days will be “happy.”

While clouds are indeed followed by sunshine. Sunshine is invariably followed by clouds.

Why the happiness about the sunshine, knowing it will soon depart?


A man may think of himself as great.

Or he may think of himself as not so great.

Is one good, and another bad?

If he thinks of himself as great, does he think that life will spare him?

If he thinks of himself as not so great, does he think that life will go easy on him?


Is he a narcissist for thinking that he is great?

Is he humble for thinking of himself as not so great?

Does he get demoted from a god in the sky for being a “narcissist?”

Does he receive rewards from a god for being “humble?”

Are these words not made up by humans themselves?

Does “narcissism” or “humility” tangibly exist anywhere in nature? Like a patch of grass or a pool of water?


Why the rules?

Why is one thing considered “good?”

And another thing considered “bad?”


What does one’s family truly mean?

What do one’s friends truly mean?

You will get along, you will fight, then you will die.

Nothing goes with anyone after they die.


If a man is heavily praised by someone today, he is almost certain to be cursed by them somewhere in the coming tomorrows.

Friends tend to make the greatest enemies.

A success that does not devolve into failure, at least devolves into dissatisfaction.

There is no solid ground in this world.

Particularly in the domain of human interaction.


A man does something helpful or impressive, and takes pride in what he has done.

What is he proud of?

What is he doing other than boosting his own self-image?

What is he doing other than grasping at every possible straw in order to taste a drop of happiness?


Every single human being that a man meets in his life is not someone he can count upon.

Because the human has a “mind.” And minds are fickle.

No human is a master of himself. He is a slave of himself.

What he says or does today, he may reverse tomorrow.

The mind is like the weather. It changes by the hour.


Are humans responsible for their actions?

Not at all.

Every human being is a semi-functional schizophrenic.

He is subject to moods, emotions, and conflicting thoughts.

He does not know what he wants.

He thinks that where he is going will provide him what he seeks.

He is a prisoner in every possible way.


There is no reason to trust anything in this life.

Especially not one’s own thoughts.

For everything the mind speaks is a lie.


Money comes to a man.

So what?

He gains a dose or two of happiness.

So what?

Someone tells him they love him?

So what?

All of these things will either reverse themselves, or they will lose their novelty over time.

One or both of these is certain.

So why the fuss?

Why the happiness about being happy?


What is there in a man’s life that is permanent?

What is there that, having arrived, never leaves?


A man lives, he roams around the earth, then he dies.

Is this bad?

Is this good?

Mud is muddy.

Is this bad?

Is this good?


What is there to chase, if the thing being chased can never last?

What is the point of happiness, if it is forever followed by unhappiness?


A man says he is more aware?

More caring.

Less angry.

More present.

So what?

Does he receive points for this?

He may say that this makes his life more happy.

But happy is followed by unhappy.

It may be that the ratio has increased a bit.

So what?

The mud has become a little less muddy.

Why the fuss?


A man is nothing.

Those he seeks admiration from are also nothing.


Is there anything in this life that is not pointless?

The most pointless thing of all is to ask, “Then what is one to do?”

