A Few Words For Optimists And Spiritualists

I recently watched a documentary in which a group of boys were stranded in a cave that was being flooded by monsoon rains.

One of the people who came to their aid was a retired seal from Thailand.

During the rescue, he drowned in the cave flooding.

What would the optimist say to this?

Would he say “It’s for the best?’

What would the spiritualist say to this?

Would he light a candle, chant a prayer and say, “Peace be with you?”


It is indeed possible that there are people in this world whose very nature it is to put a “positive” spin on things.

This may be an effective shield from the tremors of life.

There is nothing good or bad about this.

But I wonder if the “positive spin” is done while gritting their teeth.

If a man is kicked, he may put a positive spin upon it.

If after being kicked, acid is thrown upon him, he may put a positive spin upon that.

If after being kicked, having acid thrown upon him, and being thrown in jail, he may even put a positive spin on that.

If after being kicked, having acid thrown upon him, being thrown in jail, and then being sentenced to life for a crime he did not commit, does he have any positive spins remaining?


One who has suffered such indignities and eventually learns that there is no way out of his predicament, eventually relaxes and accepts his fate.

But this is not a positive spin.

Such a man has nothing left.


The spiritualists hide behind the empty concepts of spirituality.

One is all, and all is one.

Love yourself, love your friends, love your enemies, love, love, love.


Such things have no basis in Truth.

They are all ways of coping with the turmoils of life.

They are hideaways from the unspeakable sorrows of man.


Who can blame a man for attempting to find respite from life’s incessant difficulties?

Be it optimism, or spirituality.

But if one does not come out of hiding, he never comes to see the Truth.

And in not seeing the Truth, one’s assaults never cease.


And understand this:

Be it optimism or spirituality,

No tent secures one from every drop of rain.

No shelter warms one in every storm.

No hideaway protects one from every heat-seeking missile.

Sooner or later, life has a way of smoking every escapist out of his hole.


The child who shows scorn and disrespect to a mother who bore him and raised him to her best ability.

The rescue worker who loses his life in an attempt to save another.

The man who is cheated by the very man whom he trusted and treated as a family member.

The man who is sentenced for a crime he did not commit.

The woman who is the collateral damage of a shooting, simply for walking by the scene with groceries in hand.

The list is endless . . .

Are such things humane?

Are they “good?”

Are they indicative of a world governed by a “benevolent god?”


No human needs your fluffy optimism.

The dead do not need your postmortem chanting.

Optimism and spirituality are but another cog in the wheel of a plastic and disingenuous world.


Is this to imply that pessimism is superior to optimism?

Understand this:

All -isms are Lies.


Is there a god?

Or is there not a god?

I do not know.

But what is abundantly clear from the evidence is that If there is a god, he is not the compassionate and abundant type that he has been marketed to be.

As the evidence shows, this has turned out be yet another of society’s scams.


Attempting to make the bitter taste sweet,

Or make the harsh sound poetic,

Perpetuates illusion and falseness in the world.


The evidence implies that Life is ruthless.

That life is neither good or bad. For it neither cares, nor does not care.

It is as it is.

When it rains, it indeed pours. And the overwhelmingly majority of a man’s life is soaked in rain, rather than sunshine.

There is nothing to look forward to in this life.

If there is freedom, it lies in recognizing that every dangling carrot is a trap.

The one who does not fall for such traps, lives equanimously. Without “attempting” to be equanimous.

The greatest respite of all is in seeing things as they are. And not making them into This or That.

The greatest wisdom lies in destroying all constructs of good, bad, spiritual, unspiritual, right, wrong, holy, and unholy.

Misfortune must be seen as misfortune. Fortune must be seen as fortune. And both must be seen as random events which do not in the slightest, make up for the pains and sorrows of life.


Is there a Truth to it all?


There is a sort of mathematics behind all things.

But in order to see the numbers . .  .

In order to stand witness to The Truth . . .

One must abandon all manufactured concepts.

