A Siddha Treatise On Life

I will speak to you from beyond the ancient hills.


Hear only my voice.


My image matters not.


I will tell you the great Truths.


You may understand them.


You may not.


But something within you will register them.


And when the time is ready, in five years or twenty, it will play them back to you.


A life of events is not a life.


The world of phenomenon cannot satiate you.


Being loved and obeyed by the members of your family will not satisfy you.


The human is not a person, but an organism.


This organism is satiated by only certain things.


And the things that satiate it do not come from the society, the world, or a life of events.


This organism has cultivated the existence of a mind.


This mind controls its master.


It seeks to satiate itself, while its master is left hungry and cold.


Seeking to do the “right” thing may be considered noble, but it is misguided.


For it will lead you nowhere.


Following the tenets of morality will be to follow a spiritual hologram.


For the man who has Realized needs no moral guidelines.


Attachment is the greatest poison of your life.


It leaves a man hollow, spent, withered, and discarded.


No one in this world belongs to you.


You belong to no one.


Not even to the person you call “yourself.”


Yourself is nothing but baggage.


Loving yourself, protecting yourself, and promoting yourself leads only to pain.


Your life consists of biding time in a waiting room.


You search for things where there is nothing to be found.


You hope for things that do not exist.


You create conflicts in order to protect your identity.


You create relations in fear of loneliness.


All things in your life are a strategic reaction to a deep-seated fear.


And, for this reason, nothing in your life is real.


You will be able to stand on your own two feet when you need nothing.


You will be free of all conflicts when you need no one.


You may choose to live in a house with a family.


You may choose to live in a cave in the wilderness.


Whichever place you may choose, if you live as yourself, you will suffer and suffer and suffer.


For any human that lives as an identity is broken, and he will spend his life attempting to assemble pieces that do not fit together.


Religions will sell you their god.


Spirituality will sell you its potions.


Any answer that you are given will be clever.


Any answer that you request will be insincere.


The Truth is the only way.


It is the only way for any man, woman, or child.


For it does not seek to convince.


It does not seek to proselytize.


It does not seek to make you a member.


It does not seek to shackle you to a life of penance.


If you seek to fix your problems, the well from which they arise will continue to manufacture them.


You will have spent the whole of your life walking in a circle.


There is no greater fate than this.


See the world for what it is.


See the fleas in the flea market.


Recognize the banners, the amulets, the potions, and the soothsayers for what they are.


There is no need to condemn them, or speak of them.


Seeing them for what they are is enough.


You have only one life.


Be careful where you spend it.


For not a single day of it returns.


Understand that you live in a world of smoke and mirrors.


A world that is so attached to itself, it has no hope of liberating anyone.


Society is a vortex.


It is an echo chamber of half-truths.


And rare is the one who escapes its tentacles.


Life is an uncompromising momentum that stops for no one.


Understand the true nature of things, and you will live in ease.


You may continue down the path of disingenuous queries, and feigned outrage.


But yours will be an existence mired by endless stops and starts.


And peace will never be your companion.


Each day comes calling to you.


Each day knocks on your door.


Wondering if today you will answer it.


No potion in this world will cure your stress, your fears, your anxieties, your depressions, your woes, your torments, your ailments, your moods, or your sicknesses.


It matters not the wealth that you have accumulated, for if you have not freedom from pain and anxiety, you have nothing at all.


It matters not the success you have garnered, for if you do not have peace, you have nothing at all.


Things such as peace, joy, freedom, bliss, and equanimity were strategically hidden by the hand of nature.


The gems of existence are not sold on the open market.


They are hidden in places that attract the sincerest of individuals.


The momentum of domesticity has swept you in its arms.


And you now serve a life of chores.


A man may walk through muddy water, but it is not wise to live within it.


You may have servants, but you yourself are the head servant.


For both of you are serving your manufactured life of activities, obligations, and chores.


Rather than hankering for world peace, being outraged about world hunger, and doing good to the world, first bring peace to yourself.


If you devote yourself to learning the Truth about yourself and the nature of things, that very act alone will benefit the world far more than your charities and your disingenuous offerings.


The human organism is not altruistic.


Nor is he selfish.


These are the desperate roles he assumes in order to find Peace.


If you believe that “doing” anything that I have spoken will benefit you, you will have missed.


If the words have seeped into your heart without the intermediary of thought, you will have understood.

