God Is Not Who You Think He Is

Nargis writes,

Dr. Gupta, I am ambivalent about the concept of God. Does he truly exist? Does he not? Should I pray to him? I would love your comments on this.

Ambivalence is certainly called for, isn’t it.

A God that you have never seen.

A God that you have never spoken to.

And yet you are told you should pray to him.

Ambivalence is certainly in order.

Whether God exists or not is cocktail party conversation. It is asked by those who wish to view things from a purely intellectual perspective.

The intellect, dear Nargis, is extremely limited. Reason can only take you so far. After a certain point it will desert you in the dunes of the desert.

Does God exist?

What if I said “yes.”

How would that change your life?

What if I said “no.”

How would that change your life?

Nargis, your life is your life. What does God have to do with it?

I am not a theist or an atheist. I refuse to belong to any group.

I will say this: There have been times in your life (I am certain of it) when you felt an otherworldly peace take over you.

There have been times in your life, when you fell madly into something. An experience. A person. A feeling.

And when you were in this otherworldly place within yourself, for those few minutes or hours or days, it mattered NOT if anything else in the world existed.

If there is a God, perhaps this is him.

As for the question of whether he definitely exists or not?

Once you rediscover that place, the answer will not need to be revealed.

Because the question will have no need to arise.