Hopelessness Is Your Only Hope


Hopelessness Is Your Only Hope

We look under rocks. And behind trees. And deep inside bushes. And behind floating clouds.

Hoping to find SOMETHING.

We grasp at straws attempting to explain what it is we are looking for. We vaguely describe the color. And guess at the texture. We attempt to paint a picture of what we think it might look like.

But the picture is never quite detailed enough. It leaves too much room for the imagination.

And even when we find what we believe we are seeking . . .

We desire it no longer.

Not because we are fickle. But because we soon discover that THIS WASN’T IT.

We have a lot of names for this thing. But if we are truthful, we will admit that we know not what it is.

We will admit that we know not what it looks like. Or where it lives. Or how expensive it is.

We can only know once we have found it. Not because of the way it looks.

But because of the way it makes us feel.

And not temporarily. But forever more.

This world is full of many neon lights. Huge sign posts pointing the way. Bright colors. And vivid banners.

And we seem to fall for every one of them. Hoping in our hearts that this WAY will be the one we have always been in search of.

But each banner, each neon light, each bright and twirling light on the horizon always seems to lead us back to the very same spot we started.

Do not memorize my words, for they are not meant to appeal to your “intellect.”

They can only be felt by your heart.

Do I have a message?


For messages are completely lost on the human being that hears them.

I will only say that living a life founded on HOPE will leave you destitute and dejected.

Hope will destroy every Today, as you have your eyes set erroneously on Tomorrow.

Hope will suck the blood out of your existence. And leave you hollow and worn on the side of a rural stretch of highway.

What you hope for might come true. But it will not bring with it the treasures that you “hoped” for.

Dear friend, beyond the horizon lie only more horizons. And beyond the highest peak lie only more peaks.

And all those years you spent hoping for it will have been lost forever.

I will NOT tell you to abandon hope. For PRESCRIPTIONS DO NOT WORK!!!

In fact, I will encourage you to live with hope. And see what it gives you.

Not so that I may prove my point. But so that you can see with your own eyes. And find your own way.

The way of the True Seeker.