One Step. One Life.

There are too many steps in every day.

There are too many things.

There are too many sights.

There are too many thoughts.

There are just . . . too many.

I don’t wish to walk a thousand miles.

I wish to walk Just One Step.

I don’t seek to climb many mountains.

The mountain will become climbed without me having to do so.

Volume is waste.

There is something about high numbers that causes a man to lose his way.

There are just . . . too many.

If my words spawn within you the urge to do less, you will have missed.

For “less” is still a number.

Less is too much.

The most perfect word is Yes.

The most perfect number is 1.

For it does not try to outshine the other numbers with loops and horizontal lines.

It is . . . Perfect.

But if you apply significance to it . . .

If you ascribe a meaning to it . . .

You destroy it.

Be wary of walking too many steps, my friend.

For I fear that such steps will lead you somewhere.

And somewhere is not a place that befits a man of your grace.

Somewhere has never done anything for anyone.

It has simply taken them Away . . .

Prepare yourself.

A nice long shower with lather in the depths of the corner of your eyes.

A fresh shirt.

Loose pants.

And slowly . . .

Gently . . .

Exit your bedroom.

Stand at the threshold.

Look through the window at the Still universe of nature.

And take Just. One. Step.

In that one step, you will experience the deep vibration of the Earth beneath you.

In that one step, you will see the whole of your past lives.

In that one step, you will commune with the Universe.

It will flow toward your left ear and it will whisper Just One Word:

Yesssss . . . .