Life Can Only Be Experienced Through Surrender


Life Can Only Be Experienced Through Sacrifice

Near the beginning of this year I was consulting with an actor in a hotel near the base of the Hollywood Hills.

It has become almost customary for clients to ask me how I can help them “make their lives better.”

And this was what this actor asked me as well.

The journey that this actor and I have been on is the very same path that I walk with each of my clients. But it is not really about making “their life better.”

I’m not really interested in “better.” And whether they realize it or not, neither are they.

Every human being is interested in nothing less than THE ULTIMATE.

But the reason that they neither seek it nor ask for it is because they have been taught that they can’t have everything. They have been taught to live in “moderation.”

But the truth is, no human being that I’ve ever met wanted Moderate happiness.

No human being I’ve ever met wanted equal parts bliss and misery.

If we look back into history we find that there are only rare examples of true bliss.

The ascetics of the Indian Himalayas.

And Saint Francis of Assisi.

These are a few examples.

But from where did their bliss arise?

From where did their unspeakable joy spring?

Interestingly, these individuals attained bliss not through conquest, but through surrender.

They achieved The Ultimate not by becoming something, but by becoming Nothing.

Herein lies what is perhaps life’s greatest paradox. And it is also the theme which guides the heart of my work with my clients.


We live our lives with a stubborn attachment to a particular image of ourselves. We live steadfast to our “personalities” and likes and dislikes, and name, and place of birth.

But when, even for a single moment, we surrender THE WHOLE OF OURSELVES we are immediately filled with this Quiet. This unspeakable bliss . . .

Herein lies the secret to life, dear friend.

The question is, how bad do you want it?

You will no doubt say that it is difficult to live a life of Surrender.

But I ask you, how difficult is it to live a life of conquest?

You will tell me that it is difficult to sever attachments to all that you have come to recognize as YOU.

But I ask you, how much Joy has this “YOU” really given you in your life?

It was said long ago that life is easy for a man without preferences.

I will say that life is a benediction for a man without an identity.

The question is, Can You Really Do It?

Can you surrender all that you have come to know as your so-called self?

Can you abandon your preferences?

Can you retreat into Insignificance?

If you do, you will be more significant than you can ever imagine.

If you surrender, you will experience the bliss of the heavens in your daily life.

You might consider it a major sacrifice to surrender yourself.

And if you think this way, imagine for just a moment what you have Truly Sacrificed all along.

Dr. Gupta travels the world working with True Seekers. His clientele consists of professional athletes, executives, and celebrities. He helps them become The God Of Their Own Life.