Misery Is Your Only Hope

Misery is your only hope

You have spent your entire life looking for happiness.

It has informed everything that you do. The books you have read, the places you have visited, the churches you have frequented, the gods you have worshiped.

After all this time, after so many long years, you find yourself still looking. And the reason that you continue to look is because along the way, you have known moments of happiness. You have experienced glimpses of joy.

And you have developed a taste for these. And thus you devote the sum of your daily existence for this little taste on the tip of your tongue.

Have you figured it out yet?

Do you not see the trick?

Do you not see the wheel upon which you run?

Have you not seen the strings behind the curtain?

These moments of happiness are not glimpses of what can be. They are bait to keep you running. They are your worst enemy. They are the chains that will forever bind you.

If happiness is your enemy then what is your friend?


You will say that you have tasted misery and it has not been a friend to you. But that is because it has alternated with happiness. It is a grand master plan created by the mind.

Moments of misery tempered by moments of happiness is an ingenious way to keep you bound. You will run this race forever. But you will be running on a wheel.

Is there any way to escape it all? Is there a way to complete freedom? What is the way to bliss?


But not in small doses. Gallons of it. The worst sort of depression. Failure at every turn. Complete hopelessness. Sorrow. Disappointment. In every hour that you are awake and in every one that you dream.

A cloud of misery all around you.

It is only in this way that you will seek a way out. It is only in this way that you will stop searching for happiness. It is only in this way that you will understand that happiness is simply the sister of misery.

And when you are lost in a life of misery, you will begin to climb out. You will search the corners of the earth for a solution. There will be no greater priority in your life. For you will be drowning, and something inside you will flail and toss in order to survive.

When your very life depends upon it, you will find the way.

And when you do, you will have wondered how you could have lived all those years the way you did.

You will roam the earth as a free human being. You will skip and dance through life. For what can possibly affect a human being who is free?

You will become a child among adults. And it will all have been because of misery.

May you be miserable, my friend.

May it never leave you until you can take it no longer.

May it stir within you the requisite inferno of desire to set off in search of freedom instead of happiness.

And the next time you communicate with me, may you do so as a free human being.

And when I see this I will smile. For I will see the freedom in the nature of your words. And the script in which they are written.

Dr. Gupta travels the world working with True Seekers. His clientele consists of professional athletes, executives, and celebrities. He helps them become The God Of Their Own Life.
